Established 1987
With over 38years knowledge and experience
you will get a cleaning service and technician you can trust.
Why should I choose Allclean for Cleaning?
We have been cleaning carpets and upholstery since 1987 and have extensive experience across this sector and we use professionally "industrial" cleaning equipment and are fully insured.
Don't just take our word see what our customers think and check out our reviews on and Google.
How often should carpets be cleaned?
Manufacturers usually recommend that carpets should be cleaned by a professionally qualified technician every 12-18 months. In some areas of high footfall, carpets should be cleaned on a regular basis before they become too heavily soiled.
Will my carpets get dirty quicker following cleaning ?
Modern, high specification chemicals & detergents are manufactured for quality and effectiveness. Professional carpet technicians only use detergents designed for the removal of dirt from carpets, and when used correctly, these will not lead to any rapid re-soiling.
We have children in our premises; will they be affected by cleaning processes/chemicals ?
Health and safety is of paramount importance to Allclean, we only use professional cleaning solutions which have been thoroughly tested for their effects on the environment and occupants of areas in which they will be used.
We also ensure that the relevant safety procedures are followed during the cleaning process. However, we do recommended that children stay off of a damp carpet until it is completely dry in order to prevent slip and fall hazards as well as tracking in fresh dirt.
How long does it take to dry ?
Drying time depends on many conditions, including how dirty the carpet was, how much water was used, weather conditions, indoor atmosphere, etc.
However, even in the most extreme cases, carpets should be completely dry in less than 6 hours. If drying time is a major concern, we have specialist drying equipment that can speed up this process and our out of hours service ensures that cleaning can be carried out at a time most suitable for you or your business.
What is the risk of shrinkage ?
If a carpet has been professionally installed, it is very rare that the cleaning process will cause it to shrink.
Will cleaning remove any protector that has been applied to my carpet?
It is important to note that any type of carpet protection will wear off during normal use including, walking, vacuuming and general wear and tear. The way, in which carpet protectors work is by applying a protective shield around the fibres that are designed to prevent spillages, dropped items and other general wear affecting the carpet directly. However, in doing so, the carpet will lose some of its effectiveness and should be reapplied on a regular basis to ensure continued protection.
Are you fully insured?
YES we have 5 Million insurance cover and also includes claims arising from damage to property being cleaned, treated, maintained or worked on by us and Treatment Risks. A lot of policies exclude these covers.